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Business Services offered vary in scope and complexity based on your individual needs.  Service offerings include Business Operations (HR operations and compliance consultation, policy writing, process creation, business planning and strategy, organizational design, business consultation and training),   Employee/Customer Engagement (communication strategy, organization design and development, market strategy, customer needs, active listening), Change Management (change culture and DEI, employee skill set review, agile business planning, business acumen,  M&A Integration, flexible workforce).

Career Services can include how to build a recruitment strategy to showcase and sell your skills. This can be as simple as reviewing your resume or as complex as building a recruitment road map to brand your background, market yourself through social media, learn how to sell yourself in an interview, learn about Total Rewards and how to negotiate, among others.


Determination of services needed will begin with a free 30 minute consultation where a description of needs will occur and an agreed upon partnership created that contains terms and conditions.  Services rendered will fall into one of three fields: Business Strategy, Consultive Service, or a defined Project.





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