Listening, like the ability to use words, starts at an early age. For the purpose of this book we will simplify listening and describe it as the receipt of communication whether it be through our eyes or ears. From the time of birth we are able to do this. So if we practice listening from our birth and to receive words we only need to use our eyes or ears which comes naturally to us, why do so many businesses experience failure because of it?
Interestingly enough the same challenge that comes with discussing an idea presents itself again when it comes to listening. Personalization, once again the human element comes into play. Think back to our robot example. A robot with no human elements is able to listen to and respond to an exchange of words without any trouble. They are able to listen to the words the other party speaks and respond in kind. They are able to do this as the robot does have a reason to drive the discussion to a particular outcome. A robot does not listen hoping for a particular result or answer. They simply listen to the words and respond in kind.
To many times in business meetings and discussions we focus on what we are going to say instead of focus on the receipt of words. We focus on what is going out of our mouths instead of what is coming into our ears or eyes. In essence we are always speaking whether it be through our mouths or in our minds formulating an answer. In doing so we lose the conversation. If you are only focused on your own communication by definition it becomes a one-way discussion. You never hear the other viewpoint or idea being shared as you are to busy trying to respond. It is human nature to stick to your beliefs and try and get what you want. We personalize what we hear.