Global lessons are not limited to large scale operations, corner store business can learn a great deal too. Take for example the famous "Brexit". As a result of an unstable future many traders and business professionals are being lured out of their current jobs in Britain by an unstable future. What is interesting is companies are not attracting these individuals (a.k.a. customers) by the excitement of a new job, rather the excitement of living in a new country.
This is a great global lesson that we can all learn from. When attracting customers, regardless of the face of the customer may be, do we always go down the same path or do we think about what the needs of the customer truly are and sell ourselves appropriately. In the case of "Brexit" customers were not concerned with traditional recruiter such as money or job promotion. They were concerned with quality of living and stability. Selling a lifestyle, a culture, a new country of opportunity was what they needed.