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Cornerstone of Business - Ideas

In business an idea is something that is thought of by someone regarding a particular aspect of the company. This idea can change business direction and impact growth. Once the idea is thought of it can be shared with others and then actions may come as a result. It sounds simple enough. Why then do many business struggle with ideas? Why then do so many ideas fail to get off the ground or innovations fail causing businesses to fall behind? If an idea can change the course of your company and all that an idea needs is a simple exchange of words to make an impact why do so many fail? It is not the idea itself but the person that makes it difficult. An idea is thought of by a person and thus becomes personalized taking on a life of its own and that is the problem.

Ideas in its truest form are things. An idea does not live on its own or have feelings. An idea by definition is to be looked at, discussed, analyzed and at times even questioned. It is supposed to open the door for dialogue and active discussion. However as human beings create the idea they inevitably they attach themselves to it. If others disagree or challenge the idea we take it personally. A question or challenge of our idea becomes an attack on us. This personalization removes the ability for active and meaningful communication. If someone challenges the idea we stop listening and start defending. In our defense of the idea all meaningful dialogue stops and the open door for discussion the idea is supposed to create is closed.

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